Genders: Why are they different and why are both needed?

    Welcome back to the Kunzler Kronicles! Today we are going to be going over a really hot topic in todays society! We are going to be talking about gender! Due to this being such a hot debate I would like to share the things that I have learned and the things that I have researched.  This is such an important issue to look at as what is decided can change the lives of generations now and in the future. As always i would love to hear your thoughts if you would like to share, but please be thoughtful and considerate as you do as others may not share the same view and hate speech of any kind will not be tolerated. 

    Due to the sources of videos and articles i have studied and have looked at are researched based, and for easier understanding by all people, I would like to clarify now that I will be sticking to the biological gender pronouns of Male and Female or also as Feminine or Masculine.

    To start off I would like to pose the questions of why are there differences between males and females? Are these differences a bad thing or a good thing? Are the differences unfair or are they a specific way for a reason? Some differences in the studies will be listed here in typical tendencies towards that females have and those that males have, of course these are not all of the differences that there are.

Females typically are/have:

  • start off more social when they first meet 
  • better at reading emotions and non-verbal cues
  • more nurturing
  • pay more attention to detail
  • able to be more aware of multiple things. 
  • female babies even tend to look at the mouths of those who speak to them and move their lips copying those who are talking to them

Males typically are/have:

  • typically tend to act or be more aggressive even at a young age
  • more likely to be status oriented or to perceive themselves in a ranking starting at a young age
  • more likely to have an innate desire to provide for those they care about
  • male babies had a higher startle response when blown air on their stomach
  • had better spatial awareness than females when given directions
  • more of a protective instinct

        Now just because there are some traits or characteristics that are more feminine or masculine does not mean that the other gender doesn't have or isn't able to share or have similar traits or qualities. if you are this type of person you would be an androgynous individual. I want to say now that if you are a male or a female that seems to share more characteristic traits of the opposite gender, aka androgynous, that is okay!! There can be females who are more masculine and males that are more feminine. There is nothing wrong with that! in looking for a relationship wouldn't you want a person who shared some of your characteristics or things typical of their opposite gender? 

Something else that females and males have different is that males have predominantly more gray matter in their brain which means that they are able to process and store more information. Women on the other hand have more white matter ,which is a connective tissue, in their brain which means that they are able to connect different things together and see the relation between things.

Now a question that I want you to contemplate is this: Why do we need both genders? There are many talents or activities are have been determined to be one way or the other, but we need to focus on having people to experience all different types of activities. There needs to be acceptance of all people who may not act or be like your typical male or female.

Once again I would love to hear your thoughts so please leave them in the comments below!


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