Your Family Culture
Hey y’all, today we are going to be talking about culture!
No, I’m not talking about culture like growing bacteria.
The type of culture that I am talking about is the type of culture that you
have in your family. The definition of culture is shared values, beliefs, and how
you do things. Now something that you have to understand is that there are two main
types of culture that have significant influence upon each other. There are
many different types of ‘cultures’ and we will focus mostly on what is commonly
called mainstream culture and what is called family culture. Both of which have
a very big influence on the other, and it is often debated which one has more
influence on the other. Often it just depends on what is going on and what the
culture is in the community in which you live.
Now what is the type of culture that you would
like in your house? I grew up in a house where the culture was that we express and
also show our love by our words and our actions. This is part of the type of
culture that I would like to have in my own house. You may also want a family
culture of going and doing physical activities. If you are religious, you may
want to have a culture in your house where you can study your scriptures and
talk about what you believe in with your family. Basically, your culture is
your lifestyle. The way you want you and your family to live.
Now cultures and lifestyles can be
very similar or very different depending on how your family likes to do things
and what you value. They can also be influences on your different types of love
languages you or your family may have. Some of my friends and people I know aren’t
super physically affectionate, but they are always available to listen to you
when you are struggling and will often change things around in their busy
schedule to be there for you. This is a part of their family culture and identity.
So, when thinking about your family that you may have or that you may want to
have in the future, make sure that you know what type that you want to have in
your family. This is so important because you have a goal of what you want.
Now as mentioned before, every
family may have a different culture and that can come into conflict when you and
your significant other are trying to work together. Not only in what your house
is like but also as you come up on the holiday seasons. They may come from a
family who loves to do big and extravagant gifts for each other while you might
come from a family that might not even like to give or get gifts. That could
cause some confusion and contention in the way that things work. So you have to be adaptable ton change and
that things work in different ways with different families.
Now family cultures may change a
whole lot with even a slight but significant change. These changes can be
something like big and important like the death of a loved, someone moving away
out of the house, someone doing well (or not well) in school, or even the birth
of another child. But they can also be small like someone taking out the trash,
or doing the dishes, or even being the person who greets you when you come
What my goal from this post is that
you look at the culture that you and your family have. Then see what you like
versus what you don’t like. Then create a list of the type of culture that you
want in your family, then go and do things that change your current culture to
change your family culture, which will then change the community and the world
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