Importance of Fathers and Finances

 Welcome back to the Kunzler Kronicles! This week we will be discussing briefly two topics. Both fatherhood and why it is important, along with family finances. There is also a correlation between the two of them that you may find interesting. 

To start off, we are going to talk about Agriculture/Farming. Since the beginning of time most people were farmers/hunters because that was the only way that you could have food. Of course some people throughout time would specialize in something if they were good at it, like metalworking, carpentry, or making something. But those who specialized in a task often would also grow food in addition to what they did. So people would grow food and would make things, the original currency was foods and goods. you would barter and trade instead of using a money system. Then you introduced metals and colorful rocks/gems into the mix and you would have a type of "currency" as thy discovered what was valuable and what was less so. The value of something would increase and decrease over large distances depending on what was available in the surrounding areas.

In America, before the industrial revolution there was a larger amount of farmers and those that worked in the agriculture business. Families would typically work together to tend to the farm and to take care of each other. They were able to be tight knit and close because they worked together and fixed common problems together. Then once the industrial revolution happened, a lot of fathers were taken out of the home to go work in factories or mines. Families were very much broken up and even children were forced to go and work hard grueling jobs as well. Because that role of the family working together was broken others had to take on extra jobs and chores to keep the farming going so there would be enough food for the family. 

Now the family was changed drastically with the absence of the father in the home. There is a lot of research that shows there is a strong correlation with children and crime, gang involvement, substance abuse, poor school performance, and even obesity in the homes where the father is absent or not involved in the lives of their children. So Fathers remember to love and care for your children as there seems to be a strong importance for you to take care of your family. Your children are better off for it. Just remember a lot of people on their deathbed wish that they had spent more time with their family instead of seeking after fleeting things. They also wish that they had tried to have a better and happier family. Just a tip- Don't be a person that has those regrets on their deathbed.

So in traditional families fathers typically are the one who provides for their family. They go to work and earn the money that helps the family to have their needs taken care of. This part is all about finances and trust me, you will need to learn about finances because families are very expensive. In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the leaders of the church encourage their members to avoid excessive debt, and to not go into debt unless it is for the following reasons; to get an education, to start a family, to buy a house, and to have reliable transportation. So y0u need to learn to be able to manage your finances, to do that you need to see what is the most important things for you and your family. That is probably going to be food, house, clothes, and the other necessities of life. Then things that would be good to have and thigs to put into savings. You must limit purchasing the things that you just want because although it is good to have things you like and things that are fun and nice you should always have enough to help you to get through many rainy days where you might not be prepared. This could end up saving you even more!

 If you would like to see what The Church of Jesus Christ teaches on how to manage your finances search up "One for the Money" by Elder Marvin J. Ashton.

As always if this topic interests you and you would like to know more, leave a comment or directly message me and I'll answer any questions you may have. Or if you want to comment on something just go ahead and leave your thoughts! Thanks for reading and I'll see you next week!


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