Sexual Intimacy and Family Life

 Welcome back to the Kunzler Kronicles! this week we will be talking about Sexual intimacy within marriage and how that can effect family life. This week we are going to be talking about sex, intimacy, fidelity versus infidelity, and how you can strengthen your bond on marriage through being intimate with your spouse. Now to clarify I will not be talking about sexual actions between partners as this is an information blog about relationships within the family and my thoughts/ideas of what I have learned about how they can become better. 

To start off, intimacy within marriage or any relationship is not just having sexual intercourse. There is a difference, but as you will see they are very very connected. So what does intimacy mean? In a google search of that question, the answer that appeared is: 

"Intimacy in a relationship is a feeling of being close, and emotionally connected and supported. It means being able to share a whole range of thoughts, feelings and experiences that we have as human beings." 

Taking what this definition defines as intimacy is that you have a feeling of closeness being connected emotionally and feeling support. Now intimacy and sex are very connected because, as a married couple, you will have to lean on each other for support and you are typically close in nature and that you rely upon the other for support. Now sexual intimacy between a couple is a way that you can strengthen your relationship by being close and by connecting emotionally. A survey/study showed that most women want to feel close/connected, warm, and safe before being sexually intimate with their spouse. That same study/survey showed that most men feel that being sexually intimate helps them to feel close/connected, warm, and safe with their spouse. Now that is very interesting to me because in order for one to feel close with their spouse men tend to want to be sexually intimate and women tend to want to feel close and connected before being sexually intimate with their spouse. To me that means that within a marriage relationship there will be a lot of compromise and helping the other feel valued and that means that you help each other.

Now when being sexually intimate there are three phases that men and women both go through. The first phase is called the Excitement Phase. This is when you start to become stimulated and aroused sexually. Now men are typically able to get aroused more quickly then women do. Women tend to take a longer time to become aroused and excited. The next phase is called the Plateau Phase. this is a point of when you are sexually excited/aroused and that you remain there until you rise to what is called the Climax Phase. The climate phase is also commonly called the Orgasm phase. Men typically can only reach the climax phase once during sexual intercourse and then start drop down past the plateau phase and regress down past the excitement phase and need a little time to start the process over. Women on the other hand reach the plateau phase and are able to reach the climax phase and then return to the plateau phase and can return to the climax phase multiple times during sexual intercourse.

So now lets talk about fidelity. Fidelity in marriage or any relationship is more than just not being sexually active with someone who is not your spouse. Infidelity is becoming close to someone and starting to put that relationship between you and your spouse. That is going to lead you down a path of growing closer to them rather than you growing closer to your spouse so be careful. 

Once again that's it for this weeks blog but if you have any questions please feel free to ask any questions or comment down below!


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