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Active Parenting

  Hey y’all, welcome back to the Kunzler Kronicles! This week we will be talking about the great challenge of parenting! We all know that being a parent and taking care of children is a hard job. As I have grown up and gotten older, I have seen how my parents have taken care of my siblings and I, and also how other members of my family have taken care of their children, and what they have done/what they have tried to do, to be effective parents. Recent research is/has been showing that effective parenting styles have gone down in recent years. Instead of kids being willing to obey their parents. Kids have become more defiant and uncompliant to obey their parents in even simple requests like eating their vegetables. Parents have also recently been moving to a place of compromise with their children, as well as just trying to not have any conflict with their children and just using methods of distraction like online games, movies, or tv shows to appease their children. Parents are also

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